Anaerobic Hillervals - Wisconsin Rollers - P2

Anaerobic Hillervals - Wisconsin Rollers - P2

Restoring classic video content from 2009 with the power of AI, this video is transformed from grainy 480i resolution into high definition!
Prepare yourself for a great workout with great views of open roads, farms, valleys and trees. We are joined by our new friends who will keep you company throughout your ride. The hills and your friends will push you hard and your competative spirit will be fueled.. Part 2 begins with a gentle ride through the farmlands of Wisconsin but ends with an absolutly brutal effort.Your tears and sweat will blind you from the beautiful trees and scenery :)
If you want your workouts to be fun, pushing you to get stronger, healthier, with muscle replacing fat, this will be a go to favorite!

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Anaerobic Hillervals - Wisconsin Rollers - P2
  • Anaerobic Hillervals Wisconsin-Part 2- AI Enhanced

    Multiple audio tracks: Settings > Audio
    Default: Narrative
    English (Commentary): Narrative and music
    English (Audio Description) 1: Music only
    English (Audio Description) 2: Ambient only